Asia Pacific workshop on Quantum Information Science 2013 | in Tokyo for 21-23 May 2013
Steering Committee:
- Prof. Kae Nemoto(National Institute of Informatics, Japan)
- Prof. Bill Munro(Nippon Telegraph & Telephone, Japan)
- Prof. Jaewan Kim(Korean Institute of Advanced Studies, Korea)
- Prof. Gerard Milburn(University of Queensland, Australia)
- Prof. Michelle Simmons(University of New South Wales, Australia)
- Prof. Jaw Shen Tsai (NEC, Riken, Japan)
- Prof. His-Sheng Goan(National Taiwan Unviersity, Taiwan)
- Prof. Yoon Ho Kim(Pohang Insitute of Science & Technology, Korea)
- Dr. Carey Schwartz(Office of Naval Research, US)
- Dr. Gerald Borsuk(Naval Research Laboratory, US)
- Dr. John McLean(Naval Research Laboratory, US)
- Dr. Tom Reinecke(Naval Research Laboratory, US)
- Dr. John Callahan(Office of Naval Research Global, US)
- LtCol Matthew Zickafoose(Asian Office of Aerospace Research & Devleopment, US)