DAY 1 (Mar 26)
time | speaker | title |
9:20 -- 9:30 | "Opening Speech" | |
9:30 -- 10:10 | Nobuyuki Matsumoto | "Direct Measurement of Quantum Back-Action in a Macroscopic System" |
10:10 -- 11:10 | Sébastien Gleyzes | "Manipulating and probing microwave field in a cavity" |
-- Coffee Break -- | ||
11:30 -- 12:30 | Franco Nori | "Recent results on quantum hybrid circuits and photonics" |
-- Lunch -- | ||
14:00 -- 14:30 | Kazuki Koshino | "Deterministic down-conversion of single microwave photons upon single reflection at an impedance-matched Λ system" |
14:30 -- 15:10 | Fumiki Yoshihara | "Flux qubit noise spectroscopy" |
-- Coffee Break -- | ||
15:30 -- 16:10 | Yuichiro Matsuzaki | "Observation of dark states in a superconductor diamond quantum hybrid system" |
16:10 -- 16:40 | Ciaran Phelan | "Cold atom trapping with a nanostructured optical nanofiber" |
-- Coffee Break -- | ||
17:00 -- 17:30 | Vandna Gokhroo | "Studies on laser cooled atoms interacting with fundamental and higher order modes of an optical nanofiber" |
17:30 -- 18:10 | Nobuyuki Matsuda | "Large-scale coupled photonic crystal cavities for quantum optics devices" |
DAY 2 (Mar 27)
time | speaker | title |
9:20 -- 10:00 | Yutaka Tabuchi | "Strong coupling between a superconducting qubit and magnetostatic modes in ferromagnet" |
10:00 -- 10:40 | Atsushi Noguchi | "The quantum tunneling rotor in the linear Paul trap" |
-- Coffee Break -- | ||
11:00 -- 11:40 | Kentaro Wakui | "Ultrabroadband direct detection of multimode squeezed states at telecom wavelength" |
11:40 -- 12:40 | Sébastien Gleyzes | "Manipulating and probing microwave field in a cavity" |
-- Lunch -- | ||
14:00 -- 14:30 | Emi Yukawa | "Classification of Spin-Multipolar Squeezing in Spin-1 and Spin-3/2 Collective Spin Systems" |
14:30 -- 15:00 | Angela White | "Stability and decay of toroidally trapped two-component spinor condensates" |
15:00 -- 15:40 | Koji Azuma | "Requisites for long-distance quantum communication" |
-- Coffee Break -- | ||
16:00 -- 16:30 | Madaiah Chandrashekar | "Secured quantum memory using quantum walks" |
16:30 -- 17:10 | Yutaka Shikano | "Stereographical Visualization of Polarization State using Weak Measurement with Optical Vortex Beam" |