Welcome to the JFLI, Japanese French Laboratory for Informatics | Quantum Computing Research Team Web page.
Although this topic is beyond the core area of ICT, Quantum Computing is receiving a growing interest in Japan in the recent years, as exemplified by several important government-funded projects. It is a very interesting inter-disciplinary domain where fundamental physics mix with algorithmic studies, thus involving a wide range of disciplines including physics, mathematics and theoretical computer science. This is a new but huge topic that seems worth developing in an international context.
The aim of the French-Japanese collaboration is to investigate the power of Quantum Information and Computation and the feasibility of large-scale Quantum Information Processing. The specific research topics are :
JFLI meeting on quantum information and computation
When: 3-5 March 2014, 09:30 - 17:30
Where: Meeting Room 1901-1903 on the 19th floor NII
for venue information, go to http://www.qis.ex.nii.ac.jp/niiqist/info.html
Program is available at http://www.qis.ex.nii.ac.jp/jfli_qc/events.html