JFLI meeting on quantum information and computation
When: 3-5 March 2014, 09:30 - 17:30
Where: Meeting Room 1901-1903 on the 19th floor NII
DAY 1 (Monday 3rd March) - Informal session
time | speaker | title |
9:30--10:00 | -- Coffee -- | |
10:00--12:00 | Emi Yukawa Florent Urrutia Mathieu Lauriere Anne Marin | (National Institute of Informatics) (Laboratoire d'Informatique Algorithmique) (Laboratoire d'Informatique Algorithmique) (Telecom ParisTech) |
- | -- Lunch -- | |
15:00--17:00 | Shojun Nakayama Eyuri Wakakuwa Seiseki Akibue |
(University of Tokyo) (University of Tokyo) (University of Tokyo) |
Program of 3th and 5th March(pdf) is available from here.
DAY 2 (Tuesday 4th March)
time | speaker | title | |
9:30--10:00 | -- Morning tea and coffee -- | ||
10:00--10:45 | Mio Murao (University of Tokyo) | Causal order manipulations in quantum computation | |
10:45--11:30 | Francois Le Gall (University of Tokyo) | Privacy in quantum communication complexity | |
11:30--13:30 | -- Lunch -- | ||
13:30--14:15 | Isabelle Zaquine (Télécom ParisTech) | Multi-user entanglement distribution at telecom wavelength | |
14:15--15:00 | Discussion: TBD Chair: TBDRFI | ||
15:00--15:30 | -- Afternoon tea and coffee -- | ||
15:30--16:15 | Rodney Van Meter (Keio University) | Valley fold timing is optimal for quantum repeater chains | |
16:15--17:00 | Takahiko Sato (University of Tokyo) | Quantum network coding for quantum repeaters |
Program of 3th and 5th March(pdf) is available from here.
DAY 3 (Wednesday 5th March)
time | speaker | title |
9:30--10:00 | -- Morning tea and coffee -- | |
10:00--10:45 | Damian Markham (Telecom ParisTech) | Entanglement, ow and classical simulateability in MBQC |
10:45--11:30 | Ashley Stephens (National Institute of Informatics) | Ecient fault-tolerant decoding of topological color codes |
11:30--13:30 | -- Lunch -- | |
13:30--14:00 | Fabian Furrer (University of Tokyo) | Entropic measurement uncertainty relations |
14:00--14:30 | Burkhard Scharfenberger (National Institute of Informatics) | Optimal control of negatively-charged nitrogen vacancy centers in diamond |
14:30--15:15 | Discussion: TBD Chair: TBD |
15:15--15:30 | -- Afternoon tea and coffee -- | |
15:30--16:15 | Iordanis Kerenidis (Laboratoire d'Informatique Algorithmique) | Quantum communication complexity |
16:15--17:00 | Marc Kaplan (Télécom ParisTech) | The dimension of physical systems |
Program of 3th and 5th March(pdf) is available from here.