We accept PhD students through the Graduate University for Advanced Studies (Sokendai). There are a three year course for students with masters degree and a five year course for graduate students. PhD projects are available in the field of quantum information science and technology. For the details of the Graduate University and financial supports, please visit the University's website.
national institute of informatics
SPS Fellow in QIST group at NII(text and photo by Dr. Mark Everitt, posted in Dec.2011)
The National Institute of Informatics has an internship program for MOU students. NII has established MOU with more than 60 universities around the world. There are two calls every year for the internship, and if you are interested in this program, check first if your university is one of NII's MOU universities[link to MOU university list on the NII website]. The previous projects can be found below.
Feb.,2020 - Aug.,2020
Nathan Shettell
Sorbonne Université (Paris)
Analysis of discrete error correction for quantum metrology
Nathan Shettell is a PhD student at Sorbonne Université in Paris, France studying under Damian Markham. Nathan was accepted as a candidate of the NII International Internship program, where he spent six months studying in Tokyo under Kae Nemoto. The primary internship project was an analysis of discrete time error correction models for quantum metrology, which was assisted by William Munro and Damian Markham. His research interests include quantum metrology and quantum sensing as well as the 'Physics of Quantum Information', for example: questions concerning quantum speed limits and quantum thermodynamics. Outside of research he enjoys cooking and hiking.