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Aoi Hayashi

PhD student, NII

National Institute of Informatics, 2-1-2 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan #101-8430

Aoi Hayashi is a PhD student at the Global Research Center for Quantum Information Science at NII. He received the bachelor’s degree at Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech) under the supervision of Bhanu Pratap Das on numerical research on quantum phase transitions (QPTs) in ultracold bosons loaded into an optical superlattice. He also proposed and evaluated an application of Machine learning to the numerical detections of QPTs in his thesis.

Research Interests

Aoi’s current research interests focus is among others on:

Quantum phases and quantum phase transitions.

Many-body quantum systems for applications to quantum technology.

Applications of Machine learning and Deep learning to Physics.

He is also known for taking pictures of stars, nebulae and comets on holidays.