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Peizhe Li

PhD student, NII

National Institute of Informatics, 2-1-2 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan #101-8430

Peizhe Li is a PhD student at the Global Research Center for Quantum Information Science at NII. He got the master's degree at University of Mainz, where he worked on the design and evaluation of quantum repeater schemes based on continuous variable (CV) codes for long-distance quantum communication, under the supervision of Prof. Peter van Loock. He took the bachelor's degree at Beijing Normal University (BNU) under the supervision of Dr. Yi Liu on the calculation of interfacial magnetic properties of ferromagnetic insulator. He also attended a research project about many-body systems under the supervision of Prof. Wen'an Guo.

Research Interests

Peizhe's current research interests focus is among others on:

Memoryless CV quantum repeaters.

Quantum devices and technologies based on cavity-QED.

Long-distance quantum communication and quantum key distribution based on CV codes.