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Nicolo Lo Piparo

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, NII QIST

National Institute of Informatics, 2-1-2 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan #101-8430

Nicolo Lo Piparo is an assistant professor within the Global Research Center for Quantum Information Science at NII. He completed his PhD in Physics at Electrical Engineering department (University of Leeds, UK), under the supervision of Mohsen Razavi, on long distance quantum communication. His background spans different fields, with a BSc in byophics, a MSc in theoretical quantum physics and a PhD on quantum cryptography.

Research Interests

Nicolo's current research interests focus, among others, on:

Quantum key distribution over long distances.

Resources reduction for quantum error correction protocols.

Quantum networks and quantum repeater protocols.

He is actively collaborating with Mohsen Razavi at University of Leeds. He also likes playing chess and hang out with friends.